神奈川県横浜市中区で整骨・整体・鍼灸・指圧をお探しなら神手職人 B-Masterにお任せ!
TEL 045-298-2135 お問い合わせ Web予約

【営業時間】(平日)午前10:00~14:00 |午後17:00~22:00
      (土曜・祝日)午前10:00~14:00 |午後16:00〜20:00




Hello everyone!! We are B-Master!

Hello everyone!! We are B-Master! The concept of B-master is Body,Balance and Beauty. We are doing chiropractic massage in Yokohama! We are proud of our high technology,centered on the director,and are satisfied with many customers! B-Master offers chiropractic,cosmetic acupuncture,facial acupuncture and cupping! An English menu is also available,so feel free to come! We can promise you can have good experience. If you have interested in B-Master here is the address. 4-11-8 Choja-cho,Naka-ku,Yokohama,Kanagawa Pref. You can walk from the stadiam in 10min! Tel 045-298-2135 Mail kaminotebmaster@gmail.com Line ID @ abp2188a Please contact us! There is also an English menu,so we are looking forward to your visit. #bmaster #godhand #massage #acupuncture #cosmeticacupuncture #skeletalcorrection #cupping #yokohama #kannai #isesakichojamachi